Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day one
We arrived to the beach house yesterday at about 215 in the morning, we all quickly settled and made our way into bed. We fell fast asleep to the sound of the ocean waves hitting the rocks outside our balcony window. We were told that we had to be up by 10am for a long awaited first meal. The meal was prepared and set out downstairs by the lovely ladies who accompany us. Marilee led us in devotions and a encouraging mesage and prayer. This gave us the confidence to go out and start our day, which began with instructions and precautionary mentions for the week by Pastor Ivo. After learning about the culture, people, and methods to spreading the Gospel. This was followed by another well prepared meal. After eating the ladies split off into a small group discussion while the men helped with various things throughout the worship team. The ladies discussed vmany topics with the women from El Salvador and the men helped setup the sound equiptment and also helped the worship team rehearse for the Sunday night church service. After changing into church clothes the team visited the local church the men just helped setup, then the ladies and the rest of the congregation were suprised when during worship our own Greg Ring was invited up on stage and accomapnied the musicians with his flute. The sermon was given by Pastor Ivo, who we found out, you do not need to fully undertand to knopw he is passionate with what he is talking about. While taking down the chairs from church some people talked and congregated while others entertained children by playing tickle tag with them. And now after everything is taken down we find ourselves blogging right before we prepare to eat dinner. It was a productive and fun filled day and we know that after we get some rest that tomorrow will be just as fun if not more.

For now,
God bless and goodnight,
The Magnificent Seven

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